About Me

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Well, when I was a little girl I would spend hours flipping through the pages of a huge catalogue called "Quelle" that my father had brought from Germany. It had glossy pages full of beautiful pictures of lovely rooms, furniture and furnishing and was written in a language I could not decipher. But I think the pictures left an ever lasting impression on my mind and I grew up to be 'me' who drools not over food (or that too!) but good interior design, colors and photography. I also passionately love coffee, films, books, music, white gladioli, solitude, risotto, donuts, and my life (not exactly always in that order). I live in Bombay, India with my husband and little daughter and they both have changed my life in many beautiful ways.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Sharing is Caring

Breaking news- Our 4-year-old daughter has finally started sleeping in her own bed. Well, roll your eyes, go ahead & judge me but the fact is that we've been co-sleeping from the time she grew out of her crib. Thus, my dream of setting up her bed in the nursery and tucking her in every night after a sweet story session went out of the window pretty early on as she refused to sleep away from us. For the first two years, it was okay but as she grew bigger and taller, we often cribbed to her that it is a bit difficult for all three of us to sleep in our not-so-king size bed. But in response to that she would just remind us, "mamma-papa, sharing is caring". Well, that mantra of course doesn't apply to her when it comes to sharing her toys with her friends or giving me a teeny tiny bite of her chocolate every now and then or sharing any other thing that she is utterly possessive about. Though, strangely enough,  sharing our bed she thought, was her birthright. Now, I should be slightly honest with you here-I do sleep better when I sleep huddling and cuddling my sweetie pie (plz don't tell her okay!) Ohh, the smell of her soft skin and silky hair is just heavenly!

So, coming back to our breaking news of the day, she finally announced one morning that she doesn't feel comfortable in our bed. She also added "mamma-papa you take too much space" when the truth is that when she moves 360 degree in her sleep, her mamma-papa often hold onto to the edge of the bed to save their dear life. And what she also doesn't know that the poor papa had even rolled over and fell off the bed one night (don't tell him I told you this). Anyways, soon after her demand we did set out looking for a bed for her. But again she wanted a bunk bed. A bunk bed in a Bombay apartment I tell you is not a good idea. I tried convincing her by showing pictures of cute little white/pink wooden beds on Pinterest. Alas, she would invariably spot the pictures of bunk beds on Pinterest and say "this is what I want". So, I told her, here's the deal- we'll buy you a bunk bed, but you'll have to sleep in your own room-the room which was once lovingly set up as her playroom but as you rightly guessed, was never used by her. All her toys and books are scattered all over our apartment as she keeps expanding her kingdom from the kitchen to the living room to the balcony. No corner has been left unconquered by Her.  BUT she refused to sleep in a separate room, bunk bed or no bunk bed and demanded that we set up her own bed in our bedroom only. 

We didn't let the golden opportunity go out of our hands and before she changed her mind we brought two thick mattresses to one corner of our bedroom and I threw in some of my Hamsa vintage pillows and buntings, hung her Ikea canopy (a gift from a dear friend of mine), brought some of her books from her playroom and voila-her vintage kid's corner is ready. She is super happy and as I am writing this blog stretched out on our soft bed, she's happily snoozing in her new bed under the comfort of her handmade owl quilt. And then suddenly, I miss her.......

Phew! It looks neat, finally!
I went to a great height to capture this one
Haldiram, the giraffe peeking out of the basket while Somu mouse is quite camera shy
Can you spot her silver crown?
Hamsa vintage pillows & buntings
The bookends are from Vividha
Tea is ready. We are now waiting for the tiger
The dolls (in red scarf and red skirt) in the basket are her grandma's childhood dolls 
And finally, she succeeded photobombing my blog pics

[All images are taken by me]


  1. Thanks for this post. It Very nice Blog. It was a very good Blog. I like it. Thanks for sharing knowledge. Ask you to share good Blog again. Best Interior Designers In Bangalore | Interior Decorators In Bangalore | Interior Designers In Bangalore

  2. How adorable is this room!! Its just so full of love!

    You know I've been following and loving your blog for a while now..and recently I got nominated for the Liebster award... so as my pay it forward i'm nominating you :)


  3. Aww, Alishka...That's sweet! Congratulations for the nomination. I really like that you are so disciplined about blogging...I often think about writing my experience of homeschooling her and my experience as a mother, but I'm such a lazy blogger :) When I read your blog posts they often remind me of her milestones
    . Keep writing :) And I'll check out what this Liebter is all about. Love.
